Indicate the most appropriate option in your opinion:Select the most accurate answer for your opinion:Select the branch:Select the branch: ---5th Avenue / 5th AvenueAv. Constituents / Constituents Ave.How do you evaluate the attention and service of our staff?How do you evaluate the attention and service of our staff? BAD / BADDEFICIENT / DEFICIENTACCEPTABLE / ACCEPTABLEVERY GOOD / VERY GOODEXCELLENT / EXCELLENTWhat do you think of the assortment of our products in store?How about the assortment of our products in store? BAD / BADDEFICIENT / DEFICIENTACCEPTABLE / ACCEPTABLEVERY GOOD / VERY GOODEXCELLENT / EXCELLENTWhat products would you like to find in BIO Natural?What products would you like to find in BIO Natural? Did you find all the products you were looking for?Did you find all the products you were looking for? YES / YESNO / NOPEWhat products did not find?What products did you not find? Why do you prefer us?Why do you prefer us? How did you hear about us?How did you hear about us? ---FacebookInstagramStep walk / Walk inRecommendation / RecommendationOther (specify) / Other (specify)Other way:Other way: Your nameYour name EmailE-mail MobileMobile birthday / Bithday: ---01020304050607080910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 ---JANFEBSEAAPRMAYJUNEJULAUGSEPOCTNOVDEC