Indicate the most appropriate option in your opinion:
    Select the most accurate answer for your opinion:

    Friendliness, efficiency and quality of service of the waiter:
    Friendliness, efficiency and quality of service of the waiter:

    Cleanliness and general atmosphere of the place:
    Cleanliness and general atmosphere of the place:

    Variety of options on our menu:
    Variety of dishes and options from our menu:

    Quality and taste of food and beverages:
    Quality and taste of food and beverages:

    Overall experience and satisfaction:
    Experience and satisfaction overall:

    Share your opinion of BIO-Natural. What would you like us to change or improve?
    Share your opinion about BIO-Natural. What would you advise us to change or improve?

    How did you hear about us?
    How did you hear about us?

    Other way:
    Other way:

    Waiter's name
    Name of waiter

    Your name
    Your name


    birthday / Bithday: