Do you want to be a provider of...

If you are a producer of an organic, agro-ecological, gluten free or healthy product and want to have a presence in the most recognized points of sale by vegetarians, vegans and healthy people of Playa del Carmen, you are in the right place!
To request to be one of our suppliers, it's simple, just answer the following form:

    Name of your company *

    Business name*

    RFC *

    What products do you sell?*
    OrganicAgro-ecologicalGluten freeHealthy

    What features do your products have? *

    What certifications do they have? *

    Do you sell your product in Playa del Carmen?

    Where? (optional)

    How long have you had your product on the market? *

    Why do you want to sell it in BIO-Natural? *

    Do you have financial capacity to give 1 month of credit? *

    Attach catalog or card with specifications of your products *

    Attach the price list *

    Full name of the representative *



    If your product meets the standards, we will send you an email requesting a sample of the products in our branch av. 10 and constituents.

    The Bio & Natural way®

    "The Bio&Natural Way® The purpose of this lifestyle is to create a balance of the mind, body and soul through: "

    • Healthy food
    • Sustainable and natural products
    • Support local producers